How To Start A Music Blog In Nigeria
One beautiful thing about music lovers is that we're so passionate... And not just that, we're damn expressive.
Music is not only like a way of life or some sort of soothing balm to us, it's become like a culture we really want to share with other people including our friends and family.
Now if you're as this drawn to music like myself and so many others then let me inform you, you can't only make music and share it with as many people as you want, with a single blog, you can now make music, share other people's songs and even make some good income owning a successful music blog.
And if you're still doubtful about that then this complete guide on how to start a successful music blog is for you.
Okay. So I've been asked this again and again, Victor how can i upload my video online.
How can i promote my song on your blog. And how can i get my podcasts to many people out there.
So many people don't realize it's now possible to get your music, audio or even videos out there or help others get theirs done too and even get paid in return.
Yes. You can own a rock star music blog.
Besides the side benefits of owning a music blog in Nigeria like getting free songs before they are even released, getting to hangout with artists in some cases and perhaps earning a free pass for shows, you can also make money from your music blog or use it to launch a musical career if you want.
Of course there are already so many successful music blogs in Nigeria like Not Just Ok Dot Com, mp3 bullet dot ng among many other successful blogs for music and videos around the world.
Also, if you're a music artist i think it's unusual for you not to have a music website…
Because if not for the fact that it can hurt your brand, you won't have a personal platform where your fans can connect with you and get your stuff.
And even if you're a fan of good music, you can have a collection of your favorite kinda songs all around the world on your blog, bring like minds together and create a business out of your passion in the process.
So having a music blog is something important. And trust me it's not cut in stone. It's very simple to get your music blog up and running.
Maintaining it may be the other part that needs some more work but having your music blog all set up gets you half way through the work.
So here we go… How to start a music blog in 60 minutes.
[b]Fix the preliminaries: [/b]Looking at starting a music blog, you'll first want to get done with the preliminary.
The preliminaries include the general things any business man would ask himself before setting up his business. Because you will have to take on blogging as a serious business too.
So you'll get to ask yourself all this, questions like, why do i want to do this?
Is there really a need for setting up a blog in the music niche? Are there people doing this in my geographic location?
If so, is this niche saturated already? Is there a specific kind of music i should focus on.
These questions will give you a clue about what's in the whole thing. And you'll be able to find your feet.
[b]Write a business plan: [/b]After that, you'll have to move on to writing your business plan. Yes. Because for every successful business you'll need a plan that will set out the specific goals you need achieve at specific intervals and how you're going to achieve those goals.
Your Music blogging plan should also contain strategies from launching your blog to making your first bucks from the website.
It should also include a step by step approach you'll use in growing your blog and achieving your dreams generally at every single time frame.
Now this takes us to the next segment…
Branding : This is where the next segment in planning your music blog begins. Branding has to do with creating a unique name and perceptive image for your music blog in the mind eyes of your readers.
Ok let's be a bit more specific. You've probably heard about big company names like Coca-Cola, Forbes, Apples etc right?
What comes to your mind when you hear about such companies? Is it about their products, the taste or the way the company relates with their customers?
Now this feeling is what you'll aim to create with your music blog as a brand.
You'll have to create a particular brand for your music website in a way that whenever people hear about your blog, the brand image comes to mind.
So creating a brand for your music website starts with positioning your music blog for the particular kind of music you want to share up there…
You can start with asking yourself… What genre of music do i want to focus on?
Is it oldies, contemporary? Hip Hop, RnB, Blues, or all of the above? Find out the exact kind of music you'll want your blog to be known for.
Sometimes the kind of music on your blog can determine or influence the domain name you'll use for the music blog.
Because for instance if you're looking at targeting a particular regional kind of music on your blog, let's say African Gospel songs for instance, you might want to find a way to include the branding in your domain name.
Also, you'll think up plans to design your music website to reflect the brand especially in terms of usability.
Because for instance, the design you'd use for a Hip Hop music streaming website will be far different from the one you'd use for a blog about country music.
Domain name and hosting. [/b]After settling your branding, you can then move on to securing a domain name and finding a web hosting company that will host your music blog.
A domain name is most times less than 10 dollars per year in most companies.
There are certain companies that will give you a free domain name for the first year, if you buy a web hosting account with them.
Blogging Platform
But one of the best shot you can always get started with is WordPress. Because WordPress is not only the most popular Content Management System with a good deal of options, it's also the simplest to manage especially for beginners.
So you can go ahead, install WordPress on your website and go about designing your blog or you can a WordPress expert like me, to get it done for you.
Now if you have completely set your music website, congratulations. The next thing now is for you to go about uploading the songs you want and filing them in the correct categories they should be filled.
Promotion. Since you've completely set up your music blog, now the next thing you'll be thinking about should be, "how can i get this blog to the knowledge of people out there"?
How do i evolve into an influential music blog or make my blog one of the top music blog in my locality?
There certain ways you can really get the word out about your stuff especially when it comes to advertising online.
You can do this through content marketing like i discussed here ( ) advertising on other websites, offline and social media.
There are many ways you can really promote your website which i might not be able to list in this post but i want you to realize that your music blog will certainly need a social media strategy and digital marketing strategy.
These two will help you list out the way you should go about promoting your posts across both social media platforms and other websites.
Making money with your music blog. So after the whole thing, it's important to understand that one of the reasons for being in business is to make profit.
So whether your blog is about country music, hip hop or whatever genre of music you'll want to blog about or update on your website, you'll want to make some profit out of it.
This is why it's important you monetize your music blog.
Now besides the strategies i listed out here when i wrote about how to make money with your blog generally, you can also use some other strategies below:
Sell music directly on your blog if you're a producer, Music writer or have rights to the songs.
Ask for donations through a donation plugin.
Set up a subscription only area where your paid members can stream live music video or audio.
Sell featured advertisements spot on your site and encourage artistes to advertise their latest song.
The End.
Read more blogging tutorials below...
How To Start A Music Blog In Nigeria
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