
Google+ Social Network: Hands-On First Impressions

Google's new social network, Google+, premiered Tuesday, promising a new spin out on socializing online with a slick interface and a unique way of life of sharing content. The service launched to a small number of users Tuesday in what Google is calling a "field test." Few PCWorld staffers were golden enough to be invited (it'll roll dead set everybody in the future months), so naturally we jumped conservative into testing the new service.

In general we thought the service borrowed some good ideas from the powerful king of social networks, Facebook, but also offers some cool new approaches to sharing content and managing privacy. In forgetful, Google+ is a serious start to an early challenger social networking political program that is sure to exist enhanced rapidly over the coming months, and information technology could soon offer a solid alternative to Facebook. At present, let's pitch in.

Getting Started

Google+ has an easy determine-up with almost no eruditeness curve, particularly if you're familiar with Facebook. If you've used any Google products before, you might be surprised at how much of that information gets automatically imported to your new Google+ account, to use in a social linguistic context. E.g., I've uploaded pictures to Picasa without allowing others to view them. Google+ first asked me to select a profile picture from my Picasa Albums, and then gave me a choice: Either link my Google+ account with Picasa, or don't get together Google+ at all.

I decided to tie-in. It didn't actually change the concealment settings of my Picasa albums (it didn't make them public to my friends or anything). But having the choice made Maine wonder what the implications of having my Picasa albums coupled to Google+ really were.

Google+ Hands On
One of the first things Google+ prompts you to do is superior a profile picture. If you get a Picasa album, it'll allow you to opt images from there.
Google+ Hands On
Either link Google+ to your Picasa pictures or you don't use Google+ at wholly!

The future place you go after you've set up a Google+ account is to the "More or less Pine Tree State" department. You can differentiate that Google is trying to be a little saucier than Facebook, or leastways have an edgier personality.

While Facebook profiles ask you the canonical questions: gender, relationship status, religion, favorite movies, TV shows, music etcetera, Google+ asks you to make an introduction, like you're back in the first 24-hour interval of your high school speech class, and then asks you to list "bragging rights" like "survived high-pitched shoal", "have trinity kids", etc.

Google+ Hands On
You can pin "places you've lived" on a Google map in the "About Me" section–a cool feature for globetrotters (or US Army Brats).

Forming Your 'Circles'

Google+ imports all of your information from Gmail automatically–and that means all. When you're updating your friend circles there's a tab towards the top of the page that says "Uncovering and Invite"; click on it and you'll see a list of just about everyone you've ever sent an netmail to through Gmail alphabetically–regular if the conclusion time you sent them an email was four age ago. IT's not surprising that Gmail remembers everyone you've every transmitted an netmail to–but it's a trifle jarring when all those names make out rushing back at you at once.

Now, how to coordinate totally those people. Google claims to have done a base rethink of the elbow room social networks ought to work, then that they Sir Thomas More tight mimic the way we orchestrate our friends in real world. After using Google+ for just a couple of minutes I began to appreciate the simplicity of the "circles" approach. And I really like the way Google has described it in graphical form in Google+: that is, you in reality nail the great unwashe with your mouse and haul them into this circle or that.

Prissy job Google–it makes Pine Tree State imagine you're finally getting a grip along this social matter after altogether.

Google+ Hands On
Google+ users can drag on and throw away their friends into the set aside social circles. Present I'm dragging my colleague Daniel Ionescu into my "PCWorld Pals&adenylic acid;#34; circle.

However, because this drag-and-cast off run is behind the Circles tab, I began trying to add friends aside searching for them from the Google+ homepage. When I would natter a potential friend's page and tote up them to i of my circles, information technology wasn't immediately apparent to them that we were now linked. I hope Google moves the Circles function to the face, making the appendage of forming connections a minute more user comradely.

Sharing Content

Google+ answers the call of numerous concealment activists to provide the functionality needed to arranged the privacy level on each piece of content shared. For instance, when I share an article or upload a television camera image, Google+ gives me choices of which friend circles I'd like to share that content with. A picture from my phone might be perfectly okay for my Uncommunicative Friends traffic circle but very wrong for my Colleagues circle, e.g..

Google+ Hands On
For every pick of content you share on Google+ you're asked which circles or individuals should be able to find out it.

Still, I'm not sure that Google has given us the deep privacy controls that we might need. I'm not seeing the tool that lets me carefully alright-tune my sharing rules with a primary circle. I created a novel surround for a new set of friends, but did not see where I could readiness the privacy settings for that grouping. Am I obligated to swear on the stock privacy settings Google has applied to the Friends, Family and Acquaintances circles it gave me to start with?

Stream = Facebook Word Give

The "Stream" section of Google+ is analogous to Facebook's News Feed, and it does nearly nothing antithetic except for the fact that before you post anything, you have to adjudicate which circles see it. You rear end make it available to "all circles" operating theatre even to "extended circles" where you basically email what you Post to people who aren't on Google+.

Google+ Hands On
The Stream function in Google+ is very similar to the Tidings Feed in Facebook. Controls at the side of the foliate allow you to choose which of your circles of friends can contribute items to your stream.

Choosing who sees what in your stream might do one of two things when everyone starts using this: either your news feed will finally have information that pertains only to what you're interested in, without the blast of "everyone from knitting club message ME!" updates; or your stream will become immensely boring, without any of the little pulse-statuses that make Facebook a salient put for social information. Would you post a dramatic dampen-up status to the world if you could simply institutionalize it to your "Lap of Closing curtain Friends"? Probably non.

Of feed, the great unwashe who see your stream updates can comment connected them, and Google's rendering of Facebook's "Like" is to "+1" it (Google premiered the "+1" feature earlier this year, which basically allows you to say "hey I think this internet site is cool" by clicking a "+1" push that appears next to items on your explore page). Clean as Facebook created new words for victimization its site ("I'll facebook you when I get even to City of London"), maybe later this year we'll be telling each other "I plus-one'd your picture last night."


Extraordinary interesting feature that could really invest Google+ ahead of Facebook is its "Hangouts" feature. Google+ Hangouts are a kinda mashup of video chatting done Gmail, and the worn "chat rooms" of the years when AIM was our lone claver option.

First, you click on the "Start a hangout" clit, and it takes you to a separate webpage and enables your webcam and mic (while it's loading it level gives you a "fix your hair and make sure as shootin your mic works!" message, so you're non confiscated by storm). And then, you invite circles of friends, or individual friends to the Resort room for the video chew the fat session. You can create Hangouts of up to 10 populate.

Google puts the image of the person who is talking at the pith of the screen. If multiple people are talking at once it moves the one who is talking loudest to the center (that's a good lesson for you kids out there).


One of the first ways Google will try to win users from Facebook is by leverage the assets IT already has. Search is, of course, Google's crown jewel. Where at Facebook you have to go vagabon around the web finding sharable content, Google+ brings the content to you.

In the Spark part I entered one of my interests–punk rock–and the Google search algorithm brought dorsum a cluster of mainstream media articles, YouTube and Vimeo video, and blog posts. After selecting an article about my supporter Jell-O Biafra, I chose which of my 'circles' I wanted to share the contentedness with.

The boast asks you to pick out from a list of achievable interests (biking, sailing, sewing, etc.), surgery to enter your own specific interest. Google then goes out and gathers relevant content from all complete the Network. I found the content suggested away Sparks to be almost altogether happening-topic, and I even found some content that I could really see myself unselfish with friends. Importantly, you can buoy choose which friend circles or single friends you want to share the content with. The posts come on in those friends' news feeds, or as Google calls them Streams.

Mobile Apps

Google+ Hands On
The Google+ Mechanical man App lets you see your news stream, upload photos, grapple your social circles, edit your own visibility and start group chats exploitation Huddle. Mental image: Google

Google also debuted a couple of new mobile apps today, some of which work instantly with your Google+ account online. While some otherwise users I talked to had some trouble forming the shake between the apps and the Google+ service, I had no job.

First off, the main Google+ Mechanical man app (available for unpaid from the Android Market) does a nice job of bringing the core parts of Google+ to a mobile twist. The app sports a simple dwelling screen with icons for the Stream, Huddle, Photos, Visibility and Circles sections of Google+ (see image). You can easy post notes and content, and remark on others' mutual materials, from the app's Stream screen. It also asks you if you want to confiscate your location to the posts you make.

The Photos section shows you images shared by your friends, uploaded from your phone, stored in your albums, and photos of you shot by others and shared happening Google+. A little photographic camera ikon in the apical right corner brings you your camera app and lets you quickly post a picture to your "From Your Phone" album at Google+. I was a trifle disappointed Here, because Google made it safe As if photos taken from within the app were automatically sent to your Google+ record album; but in truth you own advertise a "Done" push then go to some other screen where you'Ra asked if you want to bond a note operating theater your geographic placement to the photo. You have to fling backmost into your record album to designate which friend circles can see your photos.

When you are reviewing your photos you can "tag" the people in them corresponding to the way you serve in Facebook. You draw a trifle square about a person's face, then type in their figure in the box beneath (or choose one of the name calling Google+ guesses) You can tag along people World Health Organization are Google+ users or fair email contacts.

Google attaches this note: "Adding this chase away will notify the person you have tagged. They will be able to view the photo and the related record album." This is an important difference from Facebook, which does not seduce an effort to warn people the they've been labelled (possibly in an unflattering or compromising photo) and give them an immediate hazard to get rid of the mark up.

The other app, Huddle, is already included in the briny Google+ app. Then I'm not sure why you'd download Huddles unless you wanted only the group chatting function happening your changeable gimmick, and no access to whatsoever else parts of Google+. The Huddle subprogram works great, still. I was easy able to initiate a group chat with come Google+ friends. And while there was a trifle spot of cross talk and out-of-say posting, overall the app worked well.

Related Slideshow: 10 Google+ Tips for Beginners

10 google plus tips for beginners

Privacy Approach

Google makes it selfsame clear that the information you bring to the social graph underneath Google+ leave be used to help refine search results and to help target web ads more accurately. While Google+ seems to put a lot of emphasis happening giving users ensure finished the way they share information with different circles of friends, information technology's yet to make up seen if Google will atomic number 4 more sensitive to the privacy of users when IT determines which personal data is overt–that is, available for role (in totality or otherwise) by Google and its advertisers–and which remains private.

Conflict Royal Starts Immediately

Google wants Google+ to competitor its number-nonpareil arch-nemesis, Facebook–and by the looks of things the search whale may have a fighting chance. How will Google get people to be active their online social lives away from Facebook and over to Google+? Google has already amassed a large consistence of drug user data search, Gmail, Picasa, Google Videos and YouTube, etc., merely information technology needs the highly personal data that Facebook has been so productive at collecting. Google is said to have known its social networking initiative as the company's central goal, and has the deep pockets to quickly build up Google+ into a the kind of full-blown multiethnic networking platform that can challenge Facebook.

Possibly above all, expect Google to build Google+ features into the majority of its products from search to mail to video to documents. With all those uppercase (absolve) services and now a tightly-integrated social networking platform under one roof, who needs Facebook? Had Google launched this strategy leash days ago that may have been a good question. Just the lit question now is whether or not Google is overly latish to the "social World Wide Web" to e'er beguile up.


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